Today I canceled a trip into the nearby harz. And even I love all the snow I was a little bit sad that I will miss the sauna and relaxing rolled into a warm blanket and looking up to the hills and the night sky.
Because of the bad weather conditions we will stay at home. So I decided to sort a few photos I took during a walk earlier this week after I met a good friend of mine for lunch.
We had a nice meal of pasta and salad at the kaufbar, which is a nice place where you can find good food and you can buy all parts of the cutlery, dishes, cups even the sofas and chairs – if you’re lucky.
In the direct neighboorhood you’ll find a cute ceramics shop “bestform” which was unfortunately closed durign midday. So I’ll come back another day.
Because of the nice sunshine, I decided to have a little walk to the office to soak up the warm sunbeams.
I should have worn my sunglasses – it was such a lightfull day.
One of the best parts during wintertime is the clear blue sky on a sunny day.
When I’ve been a few days in another city like a tourist I normally look different on buildings when I take a walk in my hometown. So I can enjoy the architecture oft some buildings I would overlook normally.
I’m quite happy to have so many trees in the street our office is located. During summer or in the wintertime – they are so beautiful.

Hi, ich bin Marni. Hier schreibe ich über Interior, Reisen, DIY und viele andere Themen. Sonst so: Kino, Typo, Comics, Zero Waste. Große WordPress Liebe.