Just some pictures from our latest adventures. We had a great time with family and friends.
We have a new customer which gave us a wide range of his products – and I am very happy about all this nice new buddies.
It was my mums birthday and I invited her to our flat for a mother-daughter-weekend. We were so lucky – the weather was warm and nice.
veggie burger at café wichtig
the dog beach at the niendorf harbour.
A daytrip to plön – a small city surrounded by some lakes.
a boat fair where we had a nice sunny day – and maybe some currywurst.
lovesigns <3
demonstration “man overboard”
snail on our way to a flea market
stopping the car for some nice instagram pics
dinner-time at the wolkenlos restaurant
my work desk during may
Edit: Noch während diesen Monats entschieden wir uns, hier unsere Reise enden zu lassen und uns ein neues Zuhause einzurichten. Nach dem wir für ein paar Monate eine möblierte Wohnung in Scharbeutz fanden, machten wir einen Glückstreffer mit einem feinen gemütlichen Haus am See.

Hi, ich bin Marni. Hier schreibe ich über Interior, Reisen, DIY und viele andere Themen. Sonst so: Kino, Typo, Comics, Zero Waste. Große WordPress Liebe.